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Monday, March 30, 2009

Weekend Wrap-up!!

Caption Contest Winner! This week's winner is none other than Aynde with her, "I said to pull your head out of YOUR ass not MINE!"

Well done!!
Outside of the laundry, we didn't do much this weekend. I finally got around to painting the master bathroom. When we moved in it, like the rest of the house, was blah beige. Two years ago whilst pregnant and in a fit of pregnant hormoes I decided I needed to paint it and get more color. So I painted it blue. Not just any blue but about the shade of the "Save Now" button whenever you type anew post. With the white wood work it was nice.

After we painted the bedroom I decide the bath was going to follow suit for color. I ended up woolie-ing the whole bathroom. It's about 75% done. Now I need to go back and re-roll some light spots and do all the trim work. With the nice weather coming I know it will take a backseat to gardening. It didn't take long to paint but the trim work with so many corners and tile is going to take a while.

Grilled out last night and had a couple of friends over. I did four NY strips, veggies, pesto, and Steve made his "famous" maple walnut cheesecake. When we were dating I lived in an apartment but would spend the weekends at his house (GASP!). Usually Friday nights when I'd get off from work he'd have some decadent dessert waiting for me. This was one of my favorites. And it still is.

Getting things lined up for an upcoming wedding mid-May that I am in. Jenna is the flower girl and we'll pick up her dress today after her KINDERGARTEN PHYSICAL!!!! Found a cute dress for Mallory that's ivory and have multi-colored flowers embroidered on the tulle skirt. It comes with a little sweater so she can wear it for Easter, as well. Mom took in the bodice of my dress. The dress was already a bit loose when I bought it in September and that was 25# ago, so it was really baggy in the bodice.

Mom wasn't sure if she'd be able to make it work by taking in the dress, but she did an AWESOME job! I have BOOBS!! She snugged it in perfectly!! This is a big deal for me as I've never really worn anything that "flaunts" this feature of mine.

Not sure if I'm ready to see Jenna all dolled up with flowers in her hair just yet....


Becca said...

They grow up so fast, don't they?

Robin said...

What???? no pix???