There are usually two internet radio stations I listen to at work; either
Pandora or
Dave Koz.
Pandora is a great site my boss told me about last year. It's a site where you can explore artists that share similar musical qualities. Par example; if you like Leo Kottke (which I highly recommend) but aren't sure if there are any other artists that have his particular sound you would created a station and Pandora (through the Music Genome Project) will pull up a whole slew of artists that are similar in sound and you can vote 'yes' or 'no' if you like the song. I have discovered so many different artists and my mp3 collection keeps getting bigger. I highly recommend this site if you want to expand your likes.
The other one I like is the
Dave Koz Radio Show; a weekly, two-hour smooth jazz radio show hosted by Dave Koz who is a phemon on the sax. On the internet the show is sans commercial (a bonus) and he brings in guest artists and plays new stuff, old stuff, smooth R&B. A nice mixture.
I try to keep up with smooth jazz artists and this is one station that helps me out. A few weeks ago he played a song from Ray Charles called, "Oh, What A Beautiful Morning" from "Oklahoma!" His version was so swingy and happy you couldn't help but tap your feet and sway like Ray. The cut is from the album "
Ray Swings Basie Swings" and, as the story goes, this was a European concert of Ray's from 30 years ago.
This was previously unreleased and undiscovered until a few years ago. The tapes had good vocal quality of Ray but the music bed wasn't very good. SO! The still-touring Count Basie Orchestra re-recorded the music bed of the concert. Producers did a PhotoShop of the music and vocals and VIOLA! made a whole new album. There may be a few times where Ray might sound a little dull compared to the new music bed.
To the purist this is blasphemy. But to the everyday listener (like me!) this is incredible and I play it often and I play it loud. If you are a fan of Ray I would recommend this album.
Another album/artist I discoverd just last week on Dave's show is a 19-year old singer by the name of
Kelly Sweet. I don't normally "highly recommend" albums or get all excited about any particular artist but her voice is the most clear voice I have heard in quite some time. She's too young to have a voice like this. She's too young to be singing what she sings about.
The song Dave played is called "Raincoat" and it's Nora Jones-lite. Twelve tracks on the album and all are very mellow; a good relaxing CD or a Sunday morning coffee and newpaper CD. On her website (previously linked) four songs play; "Raincoat," "We Are One," "I Will Be Waiting," and her version of Aerosmith's "Dream On."
When you go to her site and "Dream On" plays (the first to play), I want you to stop what you are doing and
LISTEN to this song. You may need a kleenex. She has
completely redefined that song and with her voice she makes it so hauntily beautiful.
Song #4 is in French; can't understand a single word but it's beautiful.
Song #7 is in Italian; can't understand a single word but it's
AMAZING!Song #9 is in Sanskrit; can't understand a single word but it's incredible.
Song #12 just flat-out makes me cry as I think about my girls.
There is not one song I dislike on this album. Remember, she's only 19.
And she's
GORGEOUS!! Give this album a go; you won't be disappointed.