Weight Watcher's Update: Another gain to report; 0.8#. Not too upset by it considering the plethora of free chocolate laying about. We'll try again this week.
What a glorious weekend to report! The weather was absolutely FABULOUS for the first weekend of November. In the 60s and 70s, and sunny. I've been grilling every day since Thursday, taking full advantage of the weather as we all know that grilling season is quickly coming to a close. Friday was steaks, Saturday I made a turkey loaf with Italian flavored ground breast and smoked it on the grill. Great flavor! I put a couple of potatoes on the grill as well. Last night I made some rye bread and grilled some chicken thighs.
I took advantage of the warm weather yesterday and gave Thursday a bath after trimming her nails. Sopping wet I tossed her outside so she could air dry. Washed her bedding while I was at it.
We finally got around to taking Mallory's 12m photos, albeit a month late. She hasn't really changed that much in a month. In ten years we probably won't remember the time delay!
We made it through "falling back" which is always intersting with a toddler who has no concept of time. Saturday night around 1830 we all went out into the front yard and played football, or anything Steve and I could think of to keep the girls moving.
It worked.
They woke up around 0630, which was 0730 in their world. Naps for Mallory were a bit tenuous, but she'll be on track in a day or two.
It's nice to see Jenna being so good and playing with her. I truly believe her actions are real and not contrived because it's something we want her to do. Even they make an awful racket in the house it's great to hear them both laughing as they chase each other around the house.
Finally, vote.
Most of us are more than ready to see this campaign finally go away. I haven't been this "excited" for an election. Ever. This is the first time I've watched all the debates. I hope that we, as Americans, show up at the polls and let our voices be heard.
Something so simple as voting can have such a profound effect.
All the talking heads are saying this is a once in a generation type of election in terms of excitement, turnout, historic impact, etc. Going to be a lot of TV watching tomorrow night!
I LOVE chicken thighs. Grilling season never ends at my house!
hey the hula girl is wearing a jacket! the girls look great!
i was so excited to vote this morning and can not wait to see how everything unravels. i too never felt this excited about voting before and i love seeing all the voter turnout!
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