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Monday, April 27, 2009

Weekend Wrap-up!

Caption Contest Winner! This week goes to Ace with his, "Borat visits the North Pole during the summer!"
Friday night I went to Open Fencing. There was James (soon-to-be fencing coach), Chris (intermediate fencer) and Paris (first-time beginner in my class). James smoked me as usual. In fact he scored a couple of times and I didn't feel it. Ninja!

Chris is a southpaw which is always interesting to fence. He beat me 5-4 the first time. The second time I beat him 5-4. After our second match, James says to Chris, "She got you with her height."

"Yeah, and she IMPALED me!"

James looked at me, "And YOU are an atomic BOMB! You put everything you have into your attacks." I don't think he meant this as a compliment, however. He went on to say I need to work on backing off.

"James, there is nothing subtle about me. This is what I do. I'll try to learn to back off."

In pretty much everything I've ever done in my life I do so with great force and energy. This, inevitably, results in me fizzling out due to frustration. I think age has tempered this, but I'm still very gung-ho about things.

I told James that he would have the honor of my presence next session, to which he replied, "Well, that should be interesting."

"That wasn't quite the vote of confidence I was hoping for."

I've been considering getting my own dry gear, but I'm going to wait until one or two sessions with James to see if I stick with it. I'd like to join the USFA to compete in sanctioned events with a team from Nebraska. I don't really know how far I'll go with this. I do enjoy this sport immensely.

Saturday was a gray, cool, drizzly day after it was 90 on Friday. Never got above 45. I did three loads of laundry Friday so that really cleared up the weekend. I think I only went to the store.

Sunday was church and it was rainy. Lots of storms that moved through that gave us nearly 1.5" of some much-needed rain. Still cool, however. Steve was downstairs watching TV, the girls were in bed, so I stretched out on the couch and napped for an hour.

I never nap.

I need to be incredibly tired in order to nap as there's always so much to do during the weekend. But it was rainy outside and most of the domestic crap was done. It felt really nice!


Gina (Mannyed) said...

Hmmm I would think going all out in a sport would be a good thing...

Becca said...

You will never be at a lack for being able to defend yourself if you keep getting better and better!